Program committee

Name Affiliation
Alan Guedes chair UCL
Cornelius Hellge Fraunhofer HHI
David Scott chair Technological University of the Shannon
Esin Guldogan Microsoft
Estevao Bissoli Saleme Federal Institute of Espírito Santo
Gwendal Simon chair Synamedia
Haoliang Wang chair Adobe Research
Helard Becerra University College Dublin
Igor Curcio Nokia
Jeroen van der Hooft Ghent University - imec
Leandro Moreira
Maria Torres Vega chair Ghent University
Mea Wang chair University of Calgary
Michael Seufert University of Würzburg
MingXue Wang Huawei
Muge Sayit chair Ege University
Niall Murray chair Software Research Institute, Athlone Institute of Technology,Ireland
Roberto Azevedo ETH Zurich
Roberto Viola Vicomtech
Sergio Cabrero chair Vicomtech
Serhan Gül Fraunhofer HHI
Stefano Petrangeli Adobe
Werner Robitza Technische Universität Ilmenau